Environmental policy

VAT Consulting Associates Limited understands the importance of the sustainability and protection of the environment. We recognise that our business activities have an impact on the environment and we are therefore committed to minimising that impact.

The aim is, wherever possible, to:

  • Minimise the consumption of energy, paper and water;

  • Reduce the use of plastic, and particularly single use plastic, to the absolute minimum;

  • Minimise the amount of waste produced;

  • Seek to enhance the use of energy efficient, low carbon measures, recyclable components and renewables;

  • Promote and raise awareness of good environmental practices among staff – we have joined the Legal Sustainability Alliance and have a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee;

  • Where possible maintain our office locations close to public transport routes and services to minimise our impact through transport;

  • Encourage staff to use sustainable modes of transport to and from work and meetings or events;

  • Set realistic objectives and targets, and monitor and record our activity against these, with a view to continually improving our environmental performance.

The participation and co-operation of all clients and stakeholders is vital to this success.